Our Approach in Diagnosing Dry Eye

- It all starts with a thorough patient history to identify potential symptoms of dry eye.
- The Schirmer’s test is performed to measure the amount of tears produced by the eye. A numerical low score would be an indicator of dry eye.
- Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) is considered to be the most common reason for dry eye in patients. In order to accurately diagnose MGD, our doctors use the LipiScan Meibomian Imager to assess the present condition of the Meibomian oil glands located on the lower inside eyelid. If MGD is detected, the doctor will perform a slit lamp examination to assess the functioning capabilities of each gland.
MGD occurs when the glands become clogged and no longer release oil onto the surface of the eye causing tears to evaporate too quickly. The LipiFlow Thermal Pulsation System is a medical device approved by the FDA to treat Meibomian Gland Dysfunction. - During a slit lamp examination, the doctor will examine the eyelashes for any dandruff like debris. If Demodex Blepharitis is suspected a skin sample or lash will be extracted and examined under the microscope. If Demodex is determined to be present an aggressive treatment plan will be implemented to eradicate the Demodex.
- Under the slit lamp the doctor will examine the eye for any signs of eye allergies.